This is the custom mercs page. Here i'll post the mercs i created
and the mercs you send in.
I got this idea a few months ago when i saw the B.A. Baracus character
Batman posted on the JA2DL website and thought it would be cool
to make a pool of mercs people can pick up and use to make their
campaign or just use in the game. To use the mercs, you can use
the process described in the 'Custom Mercs' guide from the Guides
page. That is also where you can get information about obtaining
face and voice numbers.
Some of the mercs have a note saying that they are either not to
be used as the basis for your own custom faces or they are not to
be used out of context. See the submission guidelines for what this
means. These notes are put here because their creator has expressed
his/her wishes for these 'limitations'. Please respect their wishes
in this.